Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I finally caved in!

For the 9 years that I have known my husband, he has wanted to get a boat. Well, I finally caved in and we got a boat. I think Gavin pushed me over the edge because everytime we passed a boat on the road or one came across the TV, all I heard was "momma boat, boat momma"! I think Jeremy had a little bit to do with that, he kows that I can not tell Gavin no.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Saturday we took Gavin to the pumpkin patch in High Point. They have a huge corn maize, cow train rides and even "Spooky Woods" at night. (Which we did not attend) This place is amazing, so amazing that their "Spooky Woods" is rated in the top 10 in the US. But anyway Gavin had a blast picking out his pumpkin and riding the cow train. We thought maybe he would ride by his self and he did make it around a couple of laps but after that he wanted daddy to ride with him. So Jeremy being that awesome father that he is jumped in the cow with him. To funny and yes I got pictures!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2 men and a 2 year old

I thought this was the cutest picture when I saw it. Jeremy's uncle Pat was taking some pictures for me and when he showed me this one, I just laughed! So the story goes, Gavin opened his musical sit and spin and just had to have it put together. Well as you can see it took 2 men to put it together and a 2 year old to read them the directions.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Boots

I might be in trouble, Gavin loves his fireman boots that he got for his birthday. I just hope that he doesn't want to wear them everyday or everywhere we go. It was all we could do to get him to take them off for bath time.