Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dyeing Eggs

Saturday afternoon before the big egg hunt, we gathered up Gavin, Logan and baby Jack and dyed some eggs. WOW..... I think this is definitely an outside event, with old clothes, and lots of paper towels handy.

We had lots of fun though, Logan made polka dot eggs and Gavin just put his eggs in all the colors at least 3 times. And baby Jack, well, he just slept, but next year I can assure you he will be right in the middle of it all.

Kite Flying

Gavin's Aunt Christie always knows exactly what toy to buy him. Sunday for Easter she got him and all the kids kites, he loved it. Even when he was easter egg hunting, he had to have his kite.

Well his cousin Logan showed him how to run and get it up the air. They had so much fun running back and forth with the kite high in the sky.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Strawberry Patch?

Saturday, Gavin and I went outside, got a little sun and made a our own strawberry patch. Well it's more like a strawberry pot!
Gavin loves strawberries, he can eat a whole quart all by his self in less than a hour, that's how much he loves strawberries. So we thought we would let him grow his own, I planted the roots and he watered.

In the mean time, our dog Freckles thought she could catch a lizard. But the lizard ended up catching her. We laughed so hard, and the poor lizard was scared to death.