Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treating

Gavin is the cutest fisherman I have ever laid my eyes on. I know, it's kind of a random costume but I wanted him to be completely different from everyone. I had to change some things around when the costume came in, because it was very cheaply made. But as you can see the changes turned out great.
He had the best time that entire day. Before we went trick or treating we had some friends invite us over for a hay ride and Gavin loved it, so much that he rode twice. And these were not short rides they lasted about 15 minutes, but he enjoyed every minute and that's all that mattered.

Then it started to get a little dusky which meant it was time. Time to go TRICK OR TREATING or "TREAT" as Gavin said. We were in Kinston this weekend so we went "treating" with Logan, Gavin's cousin. We started off walking to a few houses but with Gavin's pace we would have been out there until midnight. So Aunt Christie and GiGi got the truck and off we went. We were then able to cover a lot of ground, in fact I think we went to about 30 houses. WOW, right!
But Gavin found out real quick that he had to say trick or treat, which he shorted to "treat" and that he needed his bucket. So every time we got to the next house he would ask for his bucket, we would walk up to the house and he would knock on the door, regardless of whether or not they were outside already. And it took him a couple of houses to realize that we didn't go into their house when they opened the door. Too funny! By the end of the night we were all exhausted and it was only 8 o'clock.



His costume looks really good! Whatever the changes were, you did a good job!


He was so cute! That is hilarious that he wanted to go into everyone's house!

McDaniel Moments

That's a great costume idea! So glad Gavin had a great time. I love he said "treat."

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