Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sweating for just one picture....

We have had such a busy, crazy schedule and I have simply put off taking Gavin to see Santa. Jeremy and I took him the Saturday before Christmas and the elf turned us away. He said that Santa would be taken an hour lunch break and that would be after he finished with all the current children in line now, which would be at least another hour. I mean really, Santa gets an hour lunch break the weekend before Christmas! There was no way I was standing in a crazy mall the Saturday before Christmas waiting to see Santa. Oh yea, I had an upset little boy!
So I promised I would bring him back first thing tomorrow morning. We got up Sunday, got ready and off we went, to see Santa again! We got there just in time, in time for Mr. Elf to shut off the line one more person behind us. I just knew he was coming to tell me that he had to shut the line down and that we would have to wait to see Santa.
So as we waited and waited, I asked Mr Elf that continued to turn away parents how long he thought from where we were it was going to hour and a half! WOW is all I could say...and we waited to get that one famous picture with Santa.
And Gavin was happy...he got to talk to Santa and I was one happy momma because I got my yearly picture with Santa!


We have been watching the reindeer at the North Pole on Santa's cam. We have seen them get ready and prepare for there long journey with Santa.
Gavin wanted to make sure they had a snack to help them along the way. So after making cookies, we made some semi healthy reindeer food. It consisted of cranberries and sprinkles...that's the best! A little healthy flavor and some sugar for engery!

Cookies for Santa

Every year as a tradition we make cookies for Santa. And not just any cookie, I'm talking from scratch, with flour, a rolling pin, cookie cutters, icing and sprinkles. These are the best cookies Santa will ever eat!
We had a fun time and Gavin got a little crazy with the flour. He had it every where, all over the floor and his self, it was too funny!

Christmas with Friends

Jeremy and Patrick have been friends since grade school, they even lived together for several years when Patrick came back from college. Cori and I met when her and Patrick started dating which was around the same time Jeremy and I did.
Now that we are back home and living in Beulaville we have all gotten closer again. Our kids are growing up together and hanging out on the weekend.
They came over to our house a few days before Christmas, Jeremy cooked dinner and I prepared the salt dough so the kids could make ornaments.
We made the kids hand prints in one and used cookie cutters for the others. I baked them and an hour later they were ready to paint. And painted they did, Gavin used blue and green on everything. They had fun all that's all that matters!!
After dinner and after many request to open presents we finally did. Gavin was so excited, he got a guitar, so he could "sing it like George Jones" he says!! And a camo shirt, of course one of his new favorite colors!! Emory got all girl stuff and was over the top about her new fingernail paint dryer!!
Goodnight and good times!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mike's Farm

So the big thing to do in Beulaville at Christmas time is to go to Mike's Farm, take the hay ride through their famous Christmas light show, then go eat.
Well we have lived here now for 3 years and have yet to go and eat. We have always done the hay ride but could never time the eating just right.
On this trip we lucked up, we got there around 5pm, walked straight up to put our name on the list to go and eat, knowing and assuming there would be at least a 2 hour wait ahead. The hostess told us that it was private party night only, but sometimes there are a few empty table where they can sit a family. So she took our name and told us we had to be back from the hay ride at 6:15pm. We got our tickets for the hay ride and got on the third tractor out. The hay ride is so peaceful and so beautiful, all the lights and even a little snow machine at the end of the ride to top it off.
As soon as the tractor pulled back up and stopped, we heard our name being called over the speaker. Perfect timing needless to say and just pure luck. The Mac n cheese was to die for...amazing!! Gavin of course only ate the chicken, but that was ok because I ate his share of the rest!

A Pirate Christmas

GiGi, Jeremy and I all had Thursday off so we decided to pack up and surprise Gavin by going to Myrtle Beach to see a Christmas pirate show.
When we got there we had to go see the ocean, put a little sand between out toes. The weather was amazing, perfect sky and about 68 degrees! I had to snag a quick picture and then we were off to the show.
As soon as we got there we entered into a pirate wonderland. They had the coolest Christmas tree outside. It was of course decorated with pirate swords and skulls, Gavin loved it and I had to get a picture. As we walked up the stairs we were welcomed by pirates in full character.
But the big surprise on the night was when Jeremy got asked to go on stage during the pre show and assist some of the pirates with a little act. It was quite funny if I say so myself, him along with 3 others guys had to sit in chairs, lean back into the others lap, then they pulled the chairs out one by one.
As we made a way to our very front row middle seats we were told we would be on team crimson, which was the red crab ship and the other team, which was on the other side of the room, was the green octopus ship. It was pretty neat how they incorporated battle against one another.
Gavin had so much fun and of course no pirate trip isn't complete unless you have a sword.

Pilot Sonic...

Sonic is up to his crazy tricks again! We woke up to find him taking his plane for a spin, who knew Sonic had his pilot license!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Boredom has set in!!

Sonic is getting so bored hanging out at home by himself. He is so ready for Gavin to be out of daycare for Christmas break. He needs someone to watch more closely as it gets closer...only 5 more days!
One morning he turned our milk green...and the next day he was caught drawing silly things on Gavin's picture.


Sonic has been watching one too many Spiderman movies. We caught him this morning hanging out upside down this morning from a web!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Popping bubbles...

Gavin loves his double bubble gum that Mr. Joey got him started on. When we first moved to Beulaville we would stop by the police station to say "Hey" to Mr. Joey, he is both the police and fire Cheif. Always someone you need to be close friend with...but he, his wife Tina and his daughter Lyndsay are the sweetest!
Now Gavin request a daily piece of double bubble when we get home from school. I guess Sonic thinks he needed some too!! We caught him sitting in the whole bucket popping bubbles....


Sonic was trying to sneak some Hersey Kisses from the candy jar last night and got stuck!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sonic Skating...

Yesterday was such a pretty day outside, I believe it was 76 degrees. We played outside almost all afternoon, this is so crazy with it being the 3rd week in December.
Sonic must've been watching Gavin trying to skateboard and wanted to try a little skating for himself...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Police escort...

With all the parades going on Sonic wanted to make his own. He made a line of all the coolest cars in town and even had a police escort to show them off!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Green, green and more green

After Thursday's little episode, maybe attack would be better words. Sonic wanted to try and get Freckles to like him. So he got busy in the kitchen, a little cake mix, some water, oil, a few eggs, a magic wave of Sonic's hand and a dozen green cupcakes. Of course he wasn't done, they had to be decorated! A little green icing and a tap tap of green sprinkles...
He got a little carried away with the icing, I don't know if this will help get on Freckles good side, I believe it will make her just attack again!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A little play time....

Sonic got out the blocks last night and went to town building a fort. We were curious as to what he was building this huge fort for.
Freckles has been eye balling Sonic since he has been here. She must think he is here for her, maybe to check on whether or not she's been a good dog.
Well lets just say she is defiantly on the naughty list now!

Bath time...

After a long hard day of fishing Sonic needed a bath, a good long marshmallow bubble bath!

A little fishing...

It's the first week of December and it is in the mid 70's outside. It is so crazy how North Carolina weather varies, last year this time we had about 6 inches on snow.
Sonic got a crazy itch and wanted to go fishing, he got his bucket of worms and off he went!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

A movie and popcorn kinda night...

Sonic wanted to catch up on the newest movies last night. So he popped some popcorn, propped up the pillows, laid back and had the remote handy!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sonic's Weekend...

Sonic has been a busy little elf this weekend!
Saturday we wake up to find Sonic in the bathroom wrapped up in toilet paper. We haven't figured out if he was just cold and couldn't find the blankets or if he had to do a major #2, in Gavin's words "major poop"!
Then Sunday Gavin had spent the night with GiGi Saturday night so Sonic had all night and morning to plan his surprise spot and that he did. When Gavin came home he look and look all downstairs, but Sonic surprised him up in his room. Sonic wanted to bring a little bit of the North Pole to Beulaville. He had created a snowflake Christmas tree and hung it above Gavin's bed.
Gavin was very impressed but a little nervous about Sonic being in his room!