Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sweating for just one picture....

We have had such a busy, crazy schedule and I have simply put off taking Gavin to see Santa. Jeremy and I took him the Saturday before Christmas and the elf turned us away. He said that Santa would be taken an hour lunch break and that would be after he finished with all the current children in line now, which would be at least another hour. I mean really, Santa gets an hour lunch break the weekend before Christmas! There was no way I was standing in a crazy mall the Saturday before Christmas waiting to see Santa. Oh yea, I had an upset little boy!
So I promised I would bring him back first thing tomorrow morning. We got up Sunday, got ready and off we went, to see Santa again! We got there just in time, in time for Mr. Elf to shut off the line one more person behind us. I just knew he was coming to tell me that he had to shut the line down and that we would have to wait to see Santa.
So as we waited and waited, I asked Mr Elf that continued to turn away parents how long he thought from where we were it was going to hour and a half! WOW is all I could say...and we waited to get that one famous picture with Santa.
And Gavin was happy...he got to talk to Santa and I was one happy momma because I got my yearly picture with Santa!


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