Friday, July 31, 2009

Holden Beach

My aunt and uncle have a place at Holden Beach and they let us stay there for a few days and enjoy the beautiful beach. We had such a wonderful time and it was a much needed vacation. My mom (Gavin's Gi-Gi) went with us and she was such a huge help, she cooked, cleaned, washed clothes, changed diapers, kept Gavin, you name it she did it. Later in the week my sister in law (Christie), who is pregnant, brother in law (Jack) and niece Logan came and joined in the fun. We all got a little too much sun but we kept going back for more each day.
We also took Freckles so she could let the wind blow her ears and the sand get between her paws. We took a family walk and if I would have planned it a little better I would have color coordinated us but I'm just glad that we all could stay together. As you can see Gavin loves to to take Freckles for a walk on her leash and they are usually going the opposite direction as we are.

As you have seen in previous blogs my little man loves to play in the sand. We have recently found out that in the future we need to take a huge shovel and just dig a big hole and put Gavin in it. He loves to just get in a hole, pull sand on him and jump in and out of it. Gavin loves his Uncle Jack and loves him even more now that he knows he will get in the sand with him and help him dig and make castles.

It's not very often that you see the little sand crabs. But I remember as a little girl going down to Holden Beach and feeding the sand crabs cookies and they would almost take them from your hands. But as time has passed these little sand crabs are hard to find and hard to get out of their holes. We tired are best to get this crab out of his hole, we tired strawberry bagels, cookies and finally it took a goldfish.

Once the seagulls saw that we were feeding the crabs they thought they would get some snack too. And my husband thought it was so funny that they all gathered around him. I was just praying that we did not get pooped on. It was really kinda neat though to see all those birds just hoovering and then catching the pieces that we through at them.

After all the morning fun my mom would take Gavin back to the house to get a nap so we could stay out on the beach and get some more sun. But after a nap we would go get in the blow up pool. Gavin's favorite part about the pool was filling it up with the water hose. He would get it and spray who ever was the closest.

Here are some random pictures.



I love all the pictures! It looks like yall had a great time! I am super jealous! I know your mom was a big help too! I love the picture of Gavin on the hammock - such a Baby Gap Model :)


That's a great-looking family! You all are so adorable- even Jeremy. OK, now when are you two going to start on some more???


Looks like ya'll had a great time! Gavin is so cute laying in the hammock!! Tell Christie I said Congrats! I didn't know she was pregnant!! =)

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