Sunday, November 4, 2012

1st Field Trip - Mike's Farm

Gavin's day school was brave and decided to take 13, 4 and 5 year olds to Mike's Farm for a field trip.  Jeremy and I tagged along thinking they were going to need a few extra hands.  Gavin was so excited that both his mommy and daddy were going, but I believe he was most exicted about packing his lunch in his cool new camo lunch box that he got for his birthday from Ms. Paula.  So the night before we packed his lunch, every snack you could think of : goldfish, chips, pickles, applesauce, oranges, PB&J, water, and the most important "Mix Up"!! 
We went to day school the next morning, even though we only live 5 minutes from Mike's Farm, Gavin wanted to make sure all his friends at school knew he was going too and that he was riding with his mommy.  About 8:30am everybody got loaded up and off we were, let the fun begin.
When we got there I got the camera ready and scored a few photos with Gavin and then multiple attempts with all the kids by the tractor.  We never got a good picture but we tried!!  After that caosis they loaded us up for the hay ride that took us to the pumpkin field where all the kids got to pick out their own pumpkin.  Gavin picked up a cute little one with a twisted stem and I of course snagged one too.  They rounded us back up and headed back to the main area where they educated us on how they use to make apple cider back in the day, then Granny Mae told us stories about washing clothes in boiling water and hanging them out to dry, this was the educational part of the tour.  The next phase of the day was my favorite and I believe most of kids favorite too, the Magic Show.  These were two guys that were amazing, so amazing in fac,t I got a card and I am 99% sure they are doing Gavin's birthday next year.  But after all that excite we had out to see all the aniamals, goats that we got to feed, a huge turkey, that goobled and scared Gavin some kinda bad, bunnies, and squirrels, but I think they just lived in the trees.  It was lunch time now, so we took a potty break, super cleaned up all the kids from all the animal touching and sat down for lunch at the picnic tables.  This was the quitest the kids had been all day...they all got there bellies full then head back to day school for a nap.
Gavin headed home with us and no nap!!


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